Monday, December 5, 2011

If He Were Alive Today

The United States has evolved in many ways and yet in many ways has stayed the same. When Jack London was a young adult, the country had practically hit its first bump in the road economically. People could not earn a living and desperate times looked as if they were settling in. London pulled stakes and went on a protest march to say enough was enough.
Not much has changed. If Jack London were here today, he would find that the America that he believed in is still very much alive. The Occupy Wall Street protests across the nation wield the same torch that he carried in 1894 for the Capitalists’ to take responsibility for their ‘invasive brothers of greed’ and set the comfortable American way of living for all Americans.  London was witness to many of the woes that are going on in the country today: homelessness, hunger, financial strife, the very things that spurred him to action in his own time.
It is difficult to predict whether or not he would be inspired by the efforts of those taking it upon themselves to shout out for the ‘little guy’ in our country as well as the rest of the world. Or he might hang his head in shame feeling that after all of this time the ‘little guy’ can still only be heard but not listened to.  It is the opinion of this writer that Mr. London would pull up stakes once again and march upon Wall Street, the White House and wherever else that those who should take notice hear the outcry of the backbone of America. His vision realized, the spirit of the underdog alive and well.

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